This is a pretty exciting week for Jeune Girl Studio. First, there is the February 20th deadline for local girls 7 & under to enter my first ever casting call in coordination with Lyla's Lovelies.
Secondly, I'd like to start a FAN PAGE BLITZ! From NOW until February 28th I will be opening the floodgates and encouraging friends to recommend me to THEIR friends on Facebook.
Here is how it works:
1. Become a Fan Yourself (skip step one if you are one of the 286 people already on board) by clicking here:
Jeune Girl on Facebook2. In the top left, just under my logo you'll see a link to SUGGEST TO FRIENDS and you can click on your own friends and send a suggestion. (you may also want to send a separate note because step #3 is REALLY IMPORTANT if you want to win)
3. When your friend becomes a fan he/she should leave a comment somewhere on my wall or on the photo of the prize with your name as having recommended them to join.
4. Whoever recommends the MOST FRIENDS by 9 pm Eastern Time on 2/28 will win:

My Craftiness is starting to expand to new markets... it's more than just scraps these days but I love it all.