If I haven't said it yet I'll say it now.... most of these tips I think of are just an excuse to show off some of my latest work and this is no exception. My tip this week is about organization. I was having a conversation with a woman at my church yesterday about her daughters' photos and how she really wants to scrapbook them but they aren't organized. Her daughters are both teenagers and she hasn't started a scrapbook for them yet but she really wants to (I hear this A LOT).
One tip I gave her to begin getting organized is to divide each daughter's photos into themes. It would be overwhelming to do it chronologically (unless you're like my long-time customer, Jen, who recently gave birth to her FIRST DAUGHTER after several boys and she's getting off to a good start with her organization).

If you have older children and want to scrapbook key events I recommend 2 things: Themes (dance, soccer, school, vacations, holidays, birthdays) and mini-albums. With theme related scrapbooks and making smaller albums on one subject, the project becomes much less daunting. This example is for a client to give as a gift for her relative who loves her cat:

Finally, the best thing you can do to get organized is actually, the easiest tip of them all. Take your shoebox of photographs, drop it off at my house and in a few weeks it magically gets organized into a beautiful family keepsake.